
Saturday, January 18, 2014


Been meaning to update the blog...have had several great ideas, which are now titled files under which I have put nothing meaning that most likely I will completely forget what it was I was going to write about...I have also needed to move my sewing stuff into the newly designated craft/office...would love to read the book I started two weeks ago...

But instead I have just been Blah.
Outside of work clothes, I only have pajamas in the wash but I don't care that I haven't left the house except for work...Blah.

I am not sure what is up with this.

It might be the and nasal.
Or the, work, work

Possibly it is the unbelievably full moon we have had this week which thoughtfully shines directly into my bedroom window all night...
I am quite sure the Full Moon is responsible for this: 
I do not want to see his ticket or pass.

Even a grown man in Elmo underwear on the train didn't shake me for long. It just seems that I have moved to the less than great state of Apathy.

Perhaps it is the lack of toxins from the detox diet I am attempting with some co-workers...
although with all that roughage and brown rice...
or possibly I am just exhausted from lugging around the extra weight of all the containers I must now pack in my lunch for my healthy eating such as this delightful snack: 
Yes. Apple and roasted garbanzo beans. Don't judge me.

It could be all the emails and Facebook updates of beaches I am getting from the Four Seasons Hotel chain...
just what was I thinking subscribing to their Five Star Newsletter of Wonderful

But then something wonderful happened.

The SUN came out for nearly seven minutes!
It became SATURDAY!!!
cue heavenly choir.....
Can you believe she hasn't fed us for FOUR days? It's not like this feeder is in TAHITI!

And then it snowed briefly which seems to scare the sun away.
It looks like I may have to invest in one of those Light Hats or max out the credit card and take the Four Seasons up on that offer to go to Tahiti...

But...I am also being fiscally responsible...and in only approximately 158 days it will be summer...
So until then I will go here...
Happy Place

And dream of this...
Oh...there's somethin' bout a boat...
Happy Dead of Winter Everyone!!!

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