I get a real kick out of Halloween. There is something about a holiday that allows, ney, encourages adults and children to explore their wildest, grossest, princessy-est dreams. In our house, even Otter gets in on the celebration.
Princess Wild Bill Otter |
Otter VonSchtupt |
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Victim of Otter-napping |
Che Gau-va-Otter |
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Beats by Dre-Otter |
Hope your Halloween is everything you dream of and may all your candy bars be full size!
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Frank Sin-Otter says 'Do it Yourrrrr Way'! |
AND NOW: a little scare.
I had a request to post one more scary story, in honor of the season. This one first appeared in the now out of print Vicious Dead anthology and later in the on-line magazine 69 Flavors of Paranoia, a publication which sadly, is now only a memory. Please enjoy...with the lights one.....
My Dad said that
once an animal gets a taste for blood its all over. I consider this
as I watch the dog padding towards me on the other side of the
street. We had an old farm dog once, killed a calf by running it
down. The calf was only a day old and the dog was fast. I remember
seeing the calf’s blood matted in the dog’s muzzle and the wild
look in his eye as he watched Dad walk towards him.
That wild look is
in the stray dog’s eye as well. Blood is matted in his muzzle. He
is not moving slowly but rather walking with an almost deliberate
gait. He swings his head back and forth independent of the swing of
his tail, which he is holding at a neutral level to his body--not
friendly but not afraid. It is the same way our old dog held his tail
as he stood and walked toward my dad.
Dad shot him with
a 0.22.
Memory over. I
watch the real live dog as he pads to the curb. He sits and fixes his
stare on me. I sink back into the shadow as recognition makes a brief
His name is Bink,
the old man’s dog from down the hall. The old guy walked bent over
like so many old people do. Bink and the old man were there for as
long as I stayed in the building, which would have been two years
next week had the old man lived.
he didn't live. He died alone in
his apartment, alone save for Bink. The howling started on a Tuesday.
I couldn’t get the super to let me in. He had disappeared.
I finally broke
the door open with a tire iron. Bink barked as the wood split but ran
when I pushed the remainder of the frame and shattered door aside. He
stood in the dining room, hair standing in a stripe down his back,
his tail tucked tightly between his legs. I could see the old man’s
head and shoulders lying on the floor behind the dog.
Thinking back, I
should have known. The smell should have given something away.
Actually, it was a lack of smell. The air in the apartment was
stagnant and heavy and in my heart I knew I should be smelling a
rotten odor like bad lunch meat or at least the foul smell of dog
shit. But there was no odor.
I called to Bink,
not the old man. I called him quietly, waving my fingers in a "come
on" gesture. The dog responded without hesitation, moving from
stock still to full speed and nearly knocking me over as he barreled
into my open arms. His rough tongue ran the length of my arm and up
to my face before he turned and made a break for the open door.
fingers looped around his collar as he began to make a sound, though
I couldn’t call it a whine or a growl.
It was somewhere in between those things and whatever the noise would
be called, it made the hair on my arms and on the back of my neck
stand as stiff and straight as the hair down Bink’s back. I had
little time to qualify the sound with anymore specifics, since the
old man was moving.
He staggered from
the dining room hunched over and dragging his left leg. His skin was
transparent and yellow like an old photograph. There were places on
his arms where the skin curled from the bone just like the edges of
the photo would curl from a page. I could see areas of decay at his
elbows and knees. It looked to me as though he had been leaning on
all four bony prominence for a very long time.
Bink snarled and
bared his teeth and the old man raised his head. Hollow eyes stared
our way, hollow yet aware. Cold nerves ran through my body and I
stood, releasing my grasp on Bink’s collar. The dog ran into the
I did not have
time to brace for the assault, never anticipating the old man could
move so quickly. His fragile body landed on me and knocked me to the
I felt the crunch
of his wrist as the bones crushed on impact with the floor. I pressed
up with both arms in an attempt to throw him off of me but he opened
his mouth and bit down. His teeth sank into the fleshy part of my
inner arm as his hollow staring eyes looked somewhere far away.
“Taste for
blood…” repeats as a chorus in my head.
Expletives born of
shock and pain flooded the room as I ripped my arm from the old man’s
mouth. Only, I couldn’t pull free. His jaw was locked down and he
continued twisting and tearing at the flesh, finally succeeding in
securing a mouthful of skin and muscle.
Bile rose in my
throat as I watched the old man chew and swallow the better part of
my right arm. His knees pinned my thighs and his hands held my
shoulders. Blood fell in one artistic drop onto my forehead as the
old man watched carefully for intruders to his feast.
I can see that
farm dog ripping at the calf’s hide.
The old man was
strong. But he was still 80 years old and I was much younger and
stronger. I took a second to calm my stomach; there would be time to
vomit later. As he lowered his head to take another bite, I raised
mine. Our skulls cracked together with a dull thud and I used the
surprise to press up once more and throw the old man off. A hideous
whine echoed through the rooms of the apartment.
That farm dog’s
name was Rex.
In response, Bink
appeared at the open door. He coiled and sprang past me and onto his
owner. The old man growled, grabbing for the dog as the animal
crashed into him. His hands gripped Bink by the throat and I could
see the light in Bink’s eyes begin to fade.
My arm throbbed
and blood dripped from my fingertips as I moved towards the man and
his dog. I swung my left fist at the old man’s head but not before
he bit into the dog’s leg. I am wholly right handed and the
southpaw swing was laughable at best. It only seemed to irritate the
man and did nothing to prevent him from biting deeper. Afraid he
would succeed in simultaneously strangling the dog and ripping its
leg off, I let instinct take over and I lunged forward again.
This time, I
attacked in kind and let my teeth sink into the old man’s shoulder.
Immediately a bitter decaying taste filled my mouth. Inhaling, my
nostrils filled with an acrid, earthy smell.
“Taste for
The old man howled
and released his hold of Bink. The dog landed in a scurrying heap. He
twisted and turned as his feet slid in the pool of blood accumulating
on the floor. When he at last gained his footing he ran from the
apartment his tail tucked neatly between his legs.
The old man lay in
a daze, his breath puffing, his left hip loose from its socket.
I too ran from the
room, across the hall and into my own home. My arm throbbed with each
heartbeat and I sat on the edge of my couch, watching in fascination
as my blood and my life splattered rhythmically to the floor. I
counted three thousand and forty six drops before it went dark...
I hear the
explosion of the gun and see Rex recoil--his blood splattered
outward, a sanguine firework.
I did not see Bink
again. Until now.
Now. It is dusk
and the streets are wet so I guess it has rained. Time seems to have
progressed but I do not know where in the minutes and hours of a day
I belong. Bink sits across the street and chews his back. To relieve
an itch, I suppose. When he is satisfied he looks back in my
direction and snarls. His teeth are yellowed and even in the poor
light of early evening I can see saliva drip from the sharp edge of
the incisors.
Show no fear. The
words echo through my head and are gone. The sudden clarity startles
me and as I gasp in surprise I catch a deep breath.
The sulfur smell
of exhaust permeates the air but there are more subtle scents as
well. I inhale again, nose raised to the sky and catch the musky
smell of the dog across the street and the sweet earthy odor of
blood. I raise my mangled arm and sniff then return to smell in
Bink’s direction--the same blood smell, fainter but present.
Clarity of
thought. I don’t feel as though I am actually thinking. My brain is
bombarded with smells that signal a response. I feel the pupils in my
eyes constrict as they focus on movement to my left. I turn slowly. A
street light has begun to glow and its rays reveal a figure in the
window by which I stand.
Vacant eyes,
yellow, peeling skin...an image of the old man...but he is gone and
this man moves as I do. I snarl and bare my teeth and he does the
same but he does not move closer. Gingerly I raise my nose to the
glass and sniff. There is no unfamiliar odor and as I move closer the
intruder disappears.
From across the
street there is a single, questioning bark. The dog is standing,
sighting farther down the street.
I ease my head out
from around the corner of the building. Parking meters line the
street, several still occupied with deserted cars. The rain has
formed puddles near the curb. I hear a lapping noise and catch a
glimpse of the dog as he drinks. My mouth is suddenly, noticeably
I drop to the curb
and drink as well. The water is cool and bitter. I can taste bits of
oil and grit but it quenches. At least for now. I stand and wipe my
mouth with my damaged arm. Fresh blood smears across my face and my
tongue flicks out and licks it off my lips. This is fresh and sweet.
My gut rumbles in response. I am starved.
A distant sound
catches my attention and I cock my head as Bink does the same. We
both cease movement and I listen intently. My ears pick up a thin
high whimper. Inhaling in the direction of the noise yields a floral
scent. The smell is light, chemical and mixed with a baser musky
I feel a twinge of
anticipation as the hair on the back of my neck and on my arms and
legs ripples to attention. My muscles tense and I breathe deeply.
Bink snorts and I look his way.
The dog is coiled
back on his haunches ready to run and I squat in a runners mark. We
both scent the air once more as the woman breaks from her hiding
place behind the dumpster. I feel instinct rising up with a rumbling
growl in answer to the essence of what I am. What we all are...
“When an
animal gets the taste of blood...well, that’s the end...”
No Dad, it's just
the beginning…
(Laura.Ehlers. This is my story. Please don't steal it. If you are interested in publication or better yet, screenplay-ing check out my Call Me page.)