My inner dialogue has been particularly
loud lately. So loud, in fact, that I caught myself discussing the
merits of Serif vs Block Letter Stencils in the Martha Stewart aisle
at Micheals. I quickly shut myself up but then my inner self just had
to comment that the serif letters were really much prettier and well,
I had to agree.
And that's when the Craft Mom with the
three toddlers hustled her brood out of the Martha Stewart aisle and
directly towards the glitter aisle. An amateur move if you ask
Of course this got me thinking about
inner dialogue. Wikipedia seems to support inner dialogue offering
the act as a way of working towards better thinking. (This is later
in the article, after they mention 'demon possession'.) A second site
– SuccessConsciousness – feels that inner dialogue should be
controlled as too many negative conversations can have negative
results. To which I say, "What a jerk." Pretentious idiot.
But then I was distracted by the
laughter in my head as I read ProcessCoaching which says that you can
experience inner dialogue with your embryo state, snort, transpersonal
beings, snort, and essences. WaHaa! This just gave me a headache. But then I felt a
little sorry that I was mocking something that someone else might
believe and I had a brief moment of inner remorse which was quickly
followed by more laughter.
Inner and Outer.
Frankly, I like having an inner
dialogue. My inner conversations allow me to comment – filter free-
on the various ridiculous, futile and irritating situations my outer
self must deal with daily. Rarely is my inner dialogue quiet. In fact
right now it is shouting at my husband for dissing my new pillow.*
And I am okay with that. Except when it gets so loud that it can not
be contained. Like this morning in the Martha Stewart Aisle...and the
other day at work. Which is really the catalyst for this particular blog. They have figured that out. Stop it...
But I digress...
The other day at work, I was talking with a co-worker about
the breakfast meeting we were about to attend. I began walking down
the hallway as we finished our conversation, she remained at the
desk, speculating on the breakfast foods we might find at the
I was hoping for donuts.
I was hoping for donuts so strongly
that my inner dialogue shouted "I haven't had a donut in
forever..." just as the Doctor was exiting Module C. My
co-worker was around the corner in Module B. He looked at me,
simultaneously concerned and afraid.
"Who are you talking too?" he
asked, secretly terrified of the asked.
I stopped walking, looked back and
forth with only my eyes, knowing that no one was with me in the
hallway and drawing on years of watching Lucille Ball and Gilda
Radner I said, "She was right behind me! I swear! My friend was
right behind me!" My inner dialogue was uncharacteristically
He nodded with understanding and hurriedly returned through the automatic doors as they slammed shut.
I do not want to know what his inner
dialogue was discussing.
Okay, yes I do.
*My husband and I have been having a
twenty year battle over pillows...more on that later.