It's here.
My husband works his last
day of 'real' work this week.
That's right.
He is retiring...
And I have never been more
I thought this was an
exaggeration, until I did a little research.
According to the Holmes and
Rahe Stress Scale, developed in 1967 as a way to predict a person's
likely hood of becoming ill, Retirement hits about in the center with
a score of 45, above such events as vacation, change of personal
habits and outranked only by multiple deaths and major imprisonment.
I scored a 289:
Vacation -13- we are just a
few weeks away from a first time trip to Las Vegas.
Change in Sleep Habits –
15- I am no longer going to be able to rely on my husband's alarm to
get me out of bed. Instead, I am now required to actually GET UP when
my stupid alarm goes off. The alarm which is set to get me out of bed
in time to work out...
Change in Recreation –
19- I am envisioning multiple days where my plan is going to work but
my spouse's plan is sailing, or hiking, or lounging.
Change in Work Hours – 20
– see above.
Change in Personal Habits –
24 - again, see above.
Change in Living Conditions
– 25 – I am envisioning a loss of days home alone. Don't get me
wrong, I love spending time with my spouse, but we both noted long
ago that time in the house without anyone else around is a luxury of
Tag Heuer Watch, Mercedes Benz, Four Seasons Hotel quality. No longer
will I have a weekday alone in my Pjs with my pot of coffee, the
Today show, my home design game and a texting round robin with
family. Oh, I will still do these things, I will just feel guilty
about them as my spouse showers, eats a healthy breakfast and begins
doing productive things or worse, makes me watch some ridiculous crab
fishing show or King of Queens reruns.
Spouse Stops Working – 26
– Helloooo....
Change in Financial State –
38 – Der. We have run the numbers, It will work. Pretty sure...
Retirement – 45 – Okay.
I am not the one retiring. But you know what? I feel that being the
one NOT retiring in the relationship is actually way more stressful.
I have now begun to wonder about my own retirement date. And I have
to tell you SIX years is a depressing number right now.
Now all you math wizzes have
probably added this up in your head and realized that my number only
reaches 226. However, if you figure in the POTENTIAL for Major
Imprisonment – 63- from Murder Death of a Spouse – 100-
I actually hit 389 which is
(Oh sure, Rob is the one retiring and planning to start a new career as a substitute teacher
in the high school districts around us which places his actual stress
level at a 247 but he can start his own blog. Which I bet he does.
And he will post way more often than I do and I will feel like a
failure and now my stress has shot up another 57 points...)
I digress.
In an effort to cope with
the impending life changes I searched my previous education and fell
upon the Kubler-Ross Stages of Grief. Which feels right as I have
noticed that I have a whole lot of grief going on here.
The Stages of Grief were
developed in 1969 as a way of coping with death but was later
expanded to many other life events such as children working through a
divorce. Overindulgent spouses of retiring spouses seems to have
been overlooked. Never fear, I am here to walk us through it.
Denial – Denying the
inevitable retirement has not been an issue. I have been looking
forward to Rob's retirement ever since that morning I was awakened
by him clicking the magazine into his side arm.
Anger – No anger
here....okay, maybe that 'denial' thing is a little real...Although I
can't say I am 'angry' its more of a jealous thing. But then I
remember all those years I was home with the kids and Rob was going
to school and working a job and a part time job...
Bargaining – I am not a
very good bargainer. I prefer concrete numbers. And I ran the numbers
multiple times, usually around two in the morning when I should have
been asleep. As I recall there were a whole lot of 'dear God, make
this work' and 'Lord, can I just have one night of decent sleep' and
'Come on Baby Jesus! Make this the winning lottery ticket'....
(What? You say this isn't
true bargaining? You do remember you are dealing with a highly
stressed woman here. Do you want me to revisit that Anger phase?)
Depression – It is
anticipated that this phase will be entered on Friday September 1 at
0530 when I am required to roll out of bed and go to work while
SOMEONE sleeps in and begins what promises to be a fantastic new
phase of his life, working prn thus allowing us more days off
together in which to travel.
Acceptance – This change
is inevitable. Rob has put in way too many years in an underpaid, at
times, extremely dangerous job. I am lucky to still have him here,
healthy and willing to indulge me in my craziness. Although he is
really going to have to get on board with this whole cooking dinner
plan. That is inevitable too...
A Retiree in his natural habitat |
Congratulations Rob!
I am so happy for you and truly looking forward to what this next stage of our life has in store!