Monday, January 12, 2015

Apathetic Monday

Good morning.
Is it?
Is it really a good morning?
It is a grey, cold, damp Monday. I should clarify. It is 33F dropping to 16F by 4pm this afternoon. Which would mean Monday has already peaked. AND - it is lightly raining. Do you know what a dropping temperature does to light rain??? It magically turns light rain into invisible sheets of ice that glazes the roads and hangs tauntingly from the power lines, begging for a human sacrifice before plunging us into darkness just as House Hunters International begins.

I am usually not in such a mood here on the Coast of Illinois. I started the new year strong with several strong, well laid plans. But I seem to have contracted a raging case of apathy.
I blame geography.

So, in order to reclaim my normal sense of slightly annoying optimism and sunshine spreading I am taking us all back to the Islands...

Ahhhhhhh......I feel better already.


  1. I agree, even in SC it's like this. This is supposed to be the land of sunshine, warm breezes and Palm Trees. There is no sun, it's 31 and the Palm Trees are shivering! I'm definitely ready for that island but I think it may just be beginning!

    1. Oh Rena! I feel for you. At least here we expect this nonsense. Why we don't do anything about it is the real problem!! lol! Keep your palm trees warm!

  2. Oh boy, I cannot relate at all. I live in So Cal and you won't want to check the temp. Hang in there!

    1. What would I do without my California connection!! Thanks for rubbing it in - but I guess I can dream... ;)

  3. I want to go to the Islands! Yes, I feel guilty whining about the temperature (dropped to the 50's at night!) when it is bone-chillingly cold and sleety and everything else in so many other parts of the country. It is really hard to concentrate or get motivated to do anything when you are freezing your tata's off. Hope it warms up at least a little, soon.

    1. trying to keep my tata's toasty Beverly - but my yard ball has frosted!! lol!!

  4. Ice is the worst! I'd rather have snow anytime...well, not in summertime, but you know what I mean. ;-)

    1. I use to love winter weather. But now I feel snow is for the Holidays and should be replaced by a nice 70 degrees beginning Jan 10!! Stay toasty Mocadeaux!


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