Monday, March 2, 2015

Maybe that Spinning Wheel is Hypnotizing Me

I am sure I am not alone...(as I write this I am hearing the words in the voice of Frank Underwood, ie Kevin Spacey) ...when I say that my time is rarely my own. By this I mean, my time is divided between work, family, writing, fun and now House of Cards.

It is my belief that Netflix is in cahoots with Kevin Spacey to overturn any semblance of civilization and responsibility in my life and quite possibly the world by releasing in one fell swoop, the entire third season of House of Cards.

I admit, I was late to the table with streaming Netflix. But I did my civic duty and managed to watch the first two seasons of HofC over a week and a half. This is no small feat as the only other person in my family who would enjoy the show is my son and he is no longer living at home. Which means I watch House of Cards, American Horror Story, Magic City and the occasional reality show when I am home alone.

I watch Walking Dead on Sundays. I mean, come on. This is how we survive.

But, I digress.

I wish I could explain what it is about HofC that appeals to me. I tend to avoid politics and drama. But the combination of Washington DC, the journalism angles, the beautiful clothes, the beautiful people and all the wheeling and dealing are just too much. I feel as though I am getting a crash course in how Washington works. I feel my knowledge and paranoia have increased exponentially.

And don't get me started on Kevin Spacey.

The guy inhabits my dreams.


After watching anything with Kevin Spacey in it, including but not limited to those E-Trade commercials, I will dream about him. Sometimes they are goofball dreams where nothing really makes any sense but more often than not they are dark, intriguing dreams which leave me with a sense of, not unease but not exactly anticipation...

Yet now that I am watching multiple episodes of House of Cards I have found that my Kevin Spacey inspired dreams have become nearly non-existent. It seems that four hours is the Kevin Spacey Saturation Point.

Sorry Mr. Spacey.

Which is one of the reasons I had to watch four episodes of season three today, my only day off this week. Sure, I needed to clean the bathrooms and I had intended to begin the official outline for a novel that is desperately needing direction and attention. I did force myself to not turn on the television until I had accomplished a few of my tasks – laundry, linens, bills. But as soon as my lunch was ready I parked in front of that damn spinning Netflix wheel for episodes three and four.

And then I felt guilty so during episode five I cleaned out and organized our Cds which just happen to be right next to the television.

My other reasons for watching, besides KSSP – (Kevin Spacey Saturation Point)? "If we never did anything we shouldn't do, we'd never feel good about doing the things we should."*

The newly organized CD cabinet. Of note, the alphabetical classification with special interests in easy to reach stacks, the mini-Easter Island heads, anniversary clock, moose picture, as seen on TV push-lights and the ecologically acquired coral next the the hand thrown clay pot. 
As you can see. It is a far busier cabinet than the one in Washington.

*Francis Underwood, House of Cards, Chapter 17


  1. You Crack me up. I haven't seen this show but I guess I will be firing up the Netflix soon!

  2. Rena - it is awesome!! A little graphic at times and completely full of surprises. Kevin Spacey is so evil and I completely get his him!! Robin Wright plays Claire, his wife, and she is equally amazing. Let me know what you think!


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