So, here is the list of things I am
suppose to be doing in the New Year:
Exercise a minimum of 30 minutes a day
Eat 5 fruits and/or vegetables a day
Drink 8 glasses of water...a day
Brush teeth two minutes twice a day and
Drink a glass of wine
Don't drink a glass of wine because it
is wasted calories and
Lose a minimum of 15 pounds this year
Write a minimum of 30 minutes a day
Get at least 8 hours sleep
Oh, and work 10 hours, four days a
Not that bad, really.
Well, lets do the
Exercise 30 minutes. By the time I put
on the work out clothes, visit the little girls room, put on my
cross-training shoes, fix an ice water, visit the little girl's room,
set up the treadmill and the DVD player to a tolerable
program...Exercise adds up to more like 45 minutes.
Post work out shower and shopping for
cute new exercise clothes: 2 hours.
Eating really shouldn't count but it is
so much easier to eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies when they
are pre-cleaned and displayed attractively in the fridge: 1 hour.
Kitchen decontamination from knife
wounds: 1 hour.
Drinking water – 3 hours.
Who am I kidding, 6 hours.
(Sorry to burst your illusions but I am
a 50ish year old woman. Do I really have to spell it out?)
Thanks to my new self timing spin
toothbrush, my dental goals are easily met in about 90 minutes. Sure,
two minutes to brush. 3 or 4 to floss. 30 spent gagging on
toothpaste, floss and gigantic toothbrush that SPINS. 55 minutes
cleaning spit off the bathroom mirror = 90 minutes.
Everyone knows it takes a good 40
minutes to really drink a nice glass of wine.
Okay, it took 26 minutes to put this
Lets increase that time to 60 minutes a
day, okay?
And sleep?
Does the nap I took while practicing
yoga this morning count?
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