Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Lucky Shot

Since this blog is mostly dedicated to seeing the slightly skewed - I received this photo from one of the host of the Messabout event we attended over the weekend. The photo is not particularly 'skewed'.  It is a great photo of my husband and me in our tiny boat. We are looking very sailor-y and gentile. It is not so much what the photo shows but what it dose NOT.
At the moment the picture  was taken I had my feet in soaking wet deck shoes that were stuck to the bottom of the boat with the inch of lake mud I dragged in with me, I dodged the boom five times and 'shifted my ballast' once more than most women want to hear in a lifetime. I believe the smile I have on my face is from the decision that NO ONE would convict me if I took the dagger board out and beat my husband to death with it.
(Don't get me wrong, I was having fun. Plus, I owe him at least two more get-togethers with total strangers.)
What strikes most about the picture is this - We look very comfortable in the boat, which is true. And,  I had no idea that the landscape behind me was so lovely. The shoreline was heavily wooded and pretty.  I completely missed the early autumn red tree standing limb to limb with the spring green one. Seems I was suffering from reverse 'seeing the forest for the trees' syndrome.
Or maybe I had just taken one too many booms to the head.

Looking picturesque. Its a blessing and a curse.

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