This blogging thing is cracking me up.
It seems that Google – who sponsors blogspot – provides several
ways to track viewership. This is a luxury I didn't have on the old
site. And as a result, I have become obsessed with the weirdness of my
I have readers, not only in the United
States, but also in Canada and Germany – I know who you are! Much
to my delight, I also have readers in Russia! I do not know anyone in
Russia. I do have a nephew in The Republic of Georgia, but they are
quick to point out, they ARE NOT RUSSIA.
This blog is public. So far, I have not
been asked to advertise anywhere and the only links I send out are to
Facebook and Twitter. Yet, somehow, a handful of sites have found me
and it seems they like me (they really like me!) enough to return and
it would appear – add a link to this site. As expected, Facebook
is my highest source of traffic. But there are several I have never
heard of. I decided to investigate the odd sites and – here is
where it gets weird - my second highest referrer is a HUGE PORN
SITE! From the looks of the pictures there, not only is it HUGE as in
busy, it is also HUGE as in devoted to HUGE!
There are some that would say I was
sort of asking for the porn industry endorsement with the title of
this blog. To them I respond – Get your minds out of the gutter.
There are enough Hairnets there already. I am just happy that the
people who go to that particular site find my stuff interesting
enough to return to MY site. And lets face it pervs also need to be
aware of the everyday weirdness.
So, thank you readers! And as a special
thank you to my Pervy readers, my I present...My Neighbors bush:
The rare Brazilian Yew |
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