Wednesday, April 27, 2016


We have a half dozen fully mature trees in our backyard.

This is my favorite:

It was once a tiny maple tree which had been cut down but re-sprouted and now has a trunk made up of the equivalent of four full grown trees. It canopies a third of my backyard providing a high rise for squirrels and birds to live, work and play. Occasionally it throws a branch and takes out our power, but I feel the tree and I have come to an understanding.

That tree also does this:

(Please note the American Horror Story noises in the background.)

It is Whirlybird invasion season.

They fall at a rate of three thousand per wind gust. It sounds like a rapidly advancing rainstorm when they attack.

Which means it has become a race to rake them from the flower and vegetable gardens and pull them from the gutter before they sprout into tiny maple treelets.

So, I am off to rake and scrape.

And sharpen the chainsaw.

Hear that Maple Tree?

(Phew! Made it through 'W'. Any ideas for  'X'???)


  1. Beautiful as they fall though! Good luck with the clean up!

    1. It is pretty fun to watch the sleeping cat get completely covered with them...

  2. How cool to watch, but I bet a pain in the but to rake back up!

    1. It is almost easier to let them sprout - then they come out by their tiny tree roots. and I feel a little guilty for ruining their tiny tree dreams.

  3. Omg I have not seen one of these trees in years! Used to love to watch the crazy leaves fall!

    1. There is a box full of whirlybirds in the mail just for you!!

  4. Oh yes, I could make a career out of pulling maple seedlings out of my flower beds. Speaking of which... Alana

    1. it is strangely satisfying, though, isn't it...


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